PNG 94 System Bore Hole and Pad Surveys

Harmony Gold
September 2015
Kili Teke Area, PNG Highlands

Land Surveys PNG were asked to undertake a survey of the bore holes in the Kili Teke area on the PNG 94 system.

It was decided that the safest method to ensure that all the bore holes were on the correct system was to undertake a static GNSS survey of two position at each pad and then using this information we would utilise a robotics total station to pick up the bore hole and detail as required at each pad.

The final tie in to the PNG system was to observe static GNSS observations on two known and high accurate PSM’s so that the conversion parameters could be quality assured.

The distances between the pads was not that far in a straight line but due to the rugged mountains and rivers we often had to travel 4kms to cover 2kms of horizontal distance. The local people were extremely excited to see the surveyors and assisted as porters to carry equipment with no expectation of reward, although our surveyors made sure that they were given items of value such as clothing and food.