Volume & Quantity Analysis
What are the benefits of this service?
We can provide efficient and accurate volume computations as your project continuously changes through the addition and removal of material.
Using unmanned aerial vehicles or laser scanning, our surveyors will be able to quickly and effectively capture the site conditions to calculate volumes faster and just as accurately as conventional methods.
What type of projects can this service be applied to?
- Infrastructure
- Quarries and mines
- Landfills
- Greenfield developments
How can this save my project time and money?
Implementing a volume analysis plan to minimise error margins in volume calculations can significantly reduce earthworks expenditure far greater than the cost of additional survey.
What are the deliverables?
- 3D Digital Elevation Model (DEM)
- Volume computation of stockpile
- Change reporting (for quarries and mines)
- Analysis of cut and fill to design (report and 3D model)
Why use Land Surveys?
A complete solution
Working together with you to tailor the solution to best meet your needs, our innovative volume analysis capabilities will meet your desired deliverable timeframes, accuracies and percentage-error requirements.