Terrestrial Laser Scanning
Why should you be using our 3D laser scanning services?
- Highlight the differences between your existing model and new model
- Reduce the need for multiple people to visit site to “take a few measurements” through our comprehensive deliverables and visualisation packages
- Problems such as rework, variations, clashes and staff downtime. can be avoided at an early stage through a single time investment in up-to-date survey data. This information is invaluable and useful throughout the life of the project, paying itself off through reducing rework, variations, clashes and staff downtime.
- Advanced warning of interference and clash detection
- Laser scanning lends itself to site capture during normal operation, which can be done pre-shutdown in order to provide the information needed by maintenance personnel before it is really needed.
- Ultra-fast acquisition rates (1 million points / sec)
- High accuracy 1mm to 6mm
- Remote inspection
- Site installation is completed without issue
Why laser scanning over traditional methods?
- Reduces safety controls imposed and improves project timeline and cost factors
- This method delivers fast, safe, accurate and cost effective results, especially when measuring complex areas such as plant environments
- When plans of an object or structure are not reliable or available
- Laser scanning removes the need to physically climb, reach, or expose our surveyors to unsafe environments in order to measure the items of interest
- Reduces time required on-site, minimises shut-downs and expensive equipment requirements
What are some applications for laser scanning?
Infrastructure, long-range & mining
- Roads and rail infrastructure
- Mining deformation analysis
- Stockpile auditing
Engineering, plant, construction projects
- Heritage
- Hazardous environments
- Feature surveying and asset mapping
- Engineering and construction
- Deformation and analysis surveys
Plant and processing
- On-shore projects
Scan to BIM
- Conversion of existing conditions point clouds into usable BIM elements
- Capable of delivering in IFC and proprietary formats (Revit, AecoSIM)
- Navisworks deliverables allow for software-free inspection and clash detection for advanced users
What can I do with the data?
The output from our scanners can be imported into a number of 3D CAD software packages for creation of 3D models, view some of our 3D Model projects.
Webscene also allows for the viewing and measuring of any site from the convenience of a workstation. The free software allows for jumping between scan stations (similar to moving in google street view) around the site and removes the need for most people to visit site for measurement purposes.
Why use Land Surveys?
We have the technical and practical expertise, utilising the latest technology and procedures. We work over diverse platforms, allowing us to provide you with the best tailored solution to your desired results.
See some of our recent Terrestrial Laser Scanning projects.