
What pipeline survey solutions can we deliver to your project?

  • Desktop studies and right of way (ROW) planning
  • Cadastral and right of way (ROW) easement surveys
  • Using state-of-art GIS software
  • Design, alignment set-out and crossings
  • Machine control
  • Quickly produce top quality user friendly as-built reports and GIS deliverables

Where can our pipeline services be applied?

  • Design and feasibility studies
  • Pipelay construction
  • Asset surveys and as-built reporting
  • Rehabilitation

Why Land Surveys?

Our team is qualified to carry out pipeline surveys to strengthen the absolute position and alignment of the pipeline.

Using a mixture of conventional and modern survey techniques, our experienced surveyors can successfully help install pipelines from excavation through installation to final burial and reporting.

Our experienced pipeline surveyors can control a variety of pipelay guidance programs. By maintaining a robust control system through daily position and equipment checks, our surveyors output a guidance system which follows steadily close to the design position.

For more information on our Pipeline services, request a brochure or have one of our team members contact you.